Join us in calling on state officials to expand Illinois EIC and support small business recovery across the state.
Dear policymaker,
A year into the pandemic, many small businesses like mine in Illinois continue to struggle to keep their doors open. While government funding programs have provided a crucial lifeline for many businesses, one-off funding opportunities are not going to be enough to support the long-term recovery of our small business economy.
As a small business owner in Illinois, I want to express my support for legislation boosting the Illinois Earned Income Credit (EIC). HB2792 and SB2814, authored by Senator Elgie Sims and Representative Carol Ammons, will expand eligibility for the Illinois EIC to more individuals and enhance COVID-19 economic recovery for low-income communities. This would not only benefit small business owners, but also solo entrepreneurs and small business employees.
This is particularly important to Illinois’s small business community as the majority of business owners in the state are solo enterprises, and the median income for self-employed individuals at their own unincorporated firms was just $25,735 in 2018.
When you support HB2792 and SB2814, you support small business recovery across the state.